I was wondering if any in the group had purchased one of the medical USB flash drives that you hang around your neck that contains all your pertinent medical information? I believe it also comes in a bracelet type as well. I am thinking of getting one so in the event of a situation I am by myself and have a medical incident they can quickly know I have liver disease and have all my pertinent information to contact my doctors, etc.
One such device that I have found as an example can be found at this link. Thanks for any thoughts you might have. I'd like to find one that's the most compatible with most rescue and hospital situations.
I have a medical alert bracelet which is so important when you have allergies to medicine. I never thought of putting my diseases on it, what a great idea. I am going to do that.
Thanks for the reply. Keep in mind, that what I'm talking about is actually a bracelet or necklace with a computer USB drive on it. In the event of an emergency medical personnel can plug it into a computer and bring up all your medical information. You are able to store all your medications, labs, images such as x-rays, etc. Anything that might be important should someone have to help you and you be unconscious. Hope this helps.
I was just talking to my mother and husband about this the other day. I had seen some on amazon.com and was considering getting one just in case. It really is a great idea! :)
I actually finally purchased one on eBay recently and it holds 8 GB of data. Comes with a nice piece of software to find the data easily enough in an emergency situation. Also has the capability to upload my on files. Here's the link for the one I bought but they have so many different options to choose from so look for the one that works best for you. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Waterproof-8GB-Clip-Anywhere-Emergency-Medical-Alert-Necklace-USB-Flash-Drive-/190990653556
So I have scanned all my ERCP's, MRCP's, blood work, ECG's, Healthcare power of attorney, etc. etc., on to it. It will also come in handy when I'm at the doctor and they ask for a particular report or whatever, it will always be hanging around my neck.