Are there any herbs or supplements you have been warned against?


I was just wondering if there are any herbs or supplements that the doctors have warned you against having?

My daughter's doctor's so far have said there is no correlation in what she eats. I just wanted to see what the different opinions are.

Kind regards,

PrincessD's Mum

Dear Stephen,

Well I asked both my daughter's Liver and G.I. specialists if there is anything that she should not eat or keep away from and they said that her diet would not affect her illnesses. I have however taken her off "gluten" and "dairy". I try to fee her fish, chicken breast, seafood and lean beef steak from time to time. I have taken her off the fatty meats. I read up that it puts less stress on her liver.

Kind regards,

PrincessD's Mum

Dear Stephen,

Thank you again for responding and your kind words. You seem to have a wealth of information. I give my daughter Nutrasea with vitamin D. I was also told to give her Calcium because of the steriods. At the moment I am giving her SISU liquid Calcium. Her G.I Nurse had suggested "Tums" as a source of calcium, but I did research and did not rate it very much. Her G.I. doctor told me that Nutrasea cost too much for what it was and I was better off giving her Vitamin D drops. I did research and was told Omega 3 and Omega 6 are very good, so I continue to invest in Nutrasea. I also give her probiotics (HMF Genestra). Are there any particular brands that you have found are "true" to their word?

Take care for now.

Mel x

Dear Stephen,

I am sorry to hear that you had to endure so much. I can only imagine how hard it must be. I didn't realise that you are a moderator. I will have to be on my "ps" and "qs".

I tend to keep away from the cheaper no name or store brands. I know some people think I am crazy, but I would rather spend the money and know my daughter is getting a good grade.

I made baked wild salmon for her on Friday. I didn't think of trout, but I will add it to the menu and see what she thinks. I have always shied away from meat and was more drawn to seafood, chicken breast etc so making all this for my daughter is easy. The only thing is she would eat everything when she was younger and I have to cut down her options. It doesn't seem fair as I CHOSE to be fussy, she has no choice.

Thank you once again for taking the time to respond.

Take care for now.

Mel x

Dear Stephen,

I thank you for your positive thoughts and kind words. I wish you all the best and ask that you are taken care of as well.

Please continue to keep in touch as it is nice to be able to communicate with someone that understands.

Kind regards as always.

Mel x

Dear Stephen,

Please do. Yes, "Mummy" is my REAL name. Although, I am called "Mum" for short. :) Yes, but some Mothers take it on more seriously than others!!! I am proud to be a "Mum".

It seems it is just the two of us today. Guess everyone else is preoccupied. I am surprised more people do not use this site. It is ashame because I think it could be so beneficial.

Take care for now and enjoy the rest of your Sunday if we don't connect for the rest of the day.

Kind regards as always,

Mel x