Turmeric is effective?

Hello!. I am new in this group and I am not a native english speaker, so forgive me my language mistakes.

My son has PSC and autoimmune-hepatitis since 2008. He is 22 years old. Currently the disease is stabilized.

I took much information about his disease, and I have read turmeric is really very good to heal PSC. There are many opinions for that and also scientific articles.

Before testing I would like to know your opinion: has anyone turmeric tested? Is turmeric effective? has it any side effect?

Thank you very much for your help

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There are some articles I saw on a google search that touted its benefits, but it's hard for me to get excited about it.


see here. Mayo clinic was planning to test curcumin, which is found in turmeric. No idea if it helps anything, but at least Mayo is considering it worth testing.

I take 500-750mg daily but for arthritis. Dont know if it has affected my PSC or not, but my PSC is stable at 5 years.

JonW said:

I take 500-750mg daily but for arthritis. Dont know if it has affected my PSC or not, but my PSC is stable at 5 years.

And what about your arthritis? Turmeric has improved it?

Did you have any side effect with turmeric?

Joal said:

And what about your arthritis? Turmeric has improved it?

Did you have any side effect with turmeric?

Yes, arthritis doesn't bother me nearly as much, and no side effects.

It’s said to protect GI membrane and be anti-inflammatory. Popular in patients with colitis and acid-reflux disease. I use it like drinking tea. I have no idea whether it works or not. But nothing works in me anyway. But I like its taste. You can also add the powder to bakery.

Look a that news, Mayo is not interested in any antibiotics. In fact, I talked to Mayo GI doc. She just said no to my proposal of antibiotics.

hello everyone, this is my first post. and actually i've signed up to post this. if it helps anybody. sorry for bad english btw.

first i would like to share my story a little; I've diagnosed with ulcerative colitis back in 1999. there was diarrea that doesnt göne for a week so i went to a hospital with my parents and learned that i've ulcerative colitis and psc. my liver enzymes was already too high. and went higher later that the only cure was a liver transplantation. so they add me to list.and i had a transplantation in september 2002. everything went well after that on liver side until last year. on the routine bloodwork controls my bilirubin jumped over 2.5 in march 2015 so they send me to mrcp and dr.said there is recurrence of psc. my colitis was also bad that time. after that i begin to search for an alternative treatment tried to read and test anything that can help. i tried dha(omega3), coconut oil, propolis, etc. my bloodwork was not that much but was a bit over normal values in that time. lastly about 2 months ago i gave a try to turmeric too. i found a liquid extract of turmeric(curcuma longa). and began to drink one spoon every day and night(then i got bored and now drinking from bottle:)) for about 1- 2 weeks nothing changed much. but then i figured that my stool began to change. color changed (it was lighter before because of the sick bile i guess) and was heavier and there was not blood not diarrea nothing. and sudden pains of upper side on liver also fewer. so last week i went ffor an another bloodwork control and all 5 liver enzymes was decreased(alt,ast,ggt,alp,bili). I'm not saying that turmeric is a cure. everybodys disease is in different stages. so dont have big hope for anything but please give turmeric a try. and i guess it should be in extract form. i dont think spice form will do anything because its so few. ı'm a sceptical man if i only seen the decreasing liver enzymzs i dont think i can post anything on here but also having major change in my stool makes me think that turmeric helps.

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Welcome, Mr. Crowley, to the PSC community! We hope that you will find this a good place for support and information.

It's great to have a place to compare notes about both conventional medicine and complementary therapies, but do be sure to check your supplements with your doctors so that they are aware of what you are taking, besides your prescription medicaitons.

All the best to you!

Thank you mr. Yes i said to my dr.that i'm trying turmeric. He laughed a bit but it was a laugh of lack of knowledge. he said it looks good. Since there is nothing much they can do about us if scenerio goes bad they shouldnt be interdictor to us i think.

Mr. Crowley,

please, keep us posted with you turmeric experiment!

well i tried not to drink it for 2 days and my colitis back. and then just one portion of turmeric makes it silent again. maybe ts working like vancomycin. when you stop taking it comes back so you should always take it. its definitely working for my colitis. maybe beacause its not so advanced but i certainly recommend it for anyone who have ibd.for the liver part i dont know since my next control will be on May then i ll update my status but all the sudden pain in area gone(dont know maybe psychological)



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Thank you so much!!! I have a 4 y o kiddo with Crohn's and PSC. Which turmeric are you taking? Give us a link, ok?

mr.crowley said:

well i tried not to drink it for 2 days and my colitis back. and then just one portion of turmeric makes it silent again. maybe ts working like vancomycin. when you stop taking it comes back so you should always take it. its definitely working for my colitis. maybe beacause its not so advanced but i certainly recommend it for anyone who have ibd.for the liver part i dont know since my next control will be on May then i ll update my status but all the sudden pain in area gone(dont know maybe psychological)



sorry Aldona i just saw your mail now. you should definitely ask to your doctor first if its ok to taking it since your child is 4 years old. as for me everything is good. ı dont want to sound like folk remedy actually i dont like this kind of thing but it seems working.

ı'm using a local brands liquid curcuma longa extract. theres not much choices in my country. you can have more choices definitely if you live in usa or canada...i suggest a trusted brands liquid extract form.

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I just came across this forum and I’m addicted. Thank you all for your comments!

This is what I’ve read on Turmeric and why I don’t take it for my PSC:

I have UC as well and I believe turmeric would help with that, but out of the two, PSC and UC, I’m much more concerned about the PSC prognosis.

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Hi, Eldermen02.
I understand that a lot of people like Tumeric, but I never went too far into supplements…

If you believe you are seeing some benefits from something, go for it.

Sorry you have both uc and psc. One is bad enough, but both can be a buttkicker.
A lot of members here have both, so you’re in good company.

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Thank you for sharing! My boyfriend takes vancomycin for his PSC and he swears by it. I can’t wait to tell him about the turmeric!

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Hi I read this too, scared the hell out of me because my nutritionist just put me on a tumeric blend for my UC inflammation, I’ve already got through a 520g tub.

Thank you for bringing this to our attention.

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