Throwing up/ acid reflux/dry mouth/ pain in lower abdominal area as well as groin

My husband is diagnosed and has been very sick. He has lost 35 pounds in months. He throws up 4-5 days a week. He is on tecta for reflux bc thst is what they thought the issue was. It has not helped. He says he wakes up with a super dry mouth in ths mornings and then he throws up. By lunch he is usually better. He also has alot of pain now in his lower abdominal area and groin. Has anyone expierenced these symptoms?the liver specialist says its all unrelated of course but it didnt start until the liver issues

Vomiting is a symptom of psc, but usually not the lower abdominal area and groin. That maybe something else. UC comes to mind, as it is common for people to have both.

No experience with reflux, so I can't say anything intelligent about that.


He goes in today for balloon dilation. Do you know if that will help control the vomiting ? He was just tested for chrons and uc and the doc says negative. His specialist sucks with any info…its like she is uneducated in the area of psc.

Jude, I am glad he will get the balloon dilation. That should make him feel better quickly. Mine sure did.

I am glad he is negative for chrons and UC, but I hope the dilation fixes the abdominal pain.

I really can't say about whether the dilation will stop the vomiting.


Proceedure didnt go well. He now has pancreatis and fluid

That can be a nasty side effect of an ERCP. I have had pancreatitis three times-not ERCP-related, so I can relate pretty well. Each time, I had a 4 to 5 day "vacation" in the hospital, losing 5-7 pounds each time. When you're on prednisone, that is a good thing.

Did the dilation do its job?

jude said:

Proceedure didnt go well. He now has pancreatis and fluid

They just said they think he has cancer in the duct i think

Yikes. That is the worst case scenario. I hope they're wrong.

jude said:

They just said they think he has cancer in the duct i think

I hope so too. We wont have results for 3 days. The waiting is going to be horrible.