Leg Pain

Just interested to see if anyone having any issues with Leg Pain, I was diagnosed with PSC a few years ago and have experienced fatigue and chronic diarrhoea, and itching in my feet and legs. Recently I have been experiencing severe leg pain particularly at the end of the day and especially when I am lying down in bed. Its agony and preventing me sleeping without constant disruption.
Walking is painful and the degree of feedback you usually get from the soles of your feet is severely reduced making me wobbly and unsteady.
I have spoken to my GP and she has suggested that it could be nerves that have been damaged/inflamed by my PSC, I'm struggling to find any confirmation of this on the 'net' so I thought I'd ask the question of fellow PSCer's

Hi, Gary! I am sorry to hear of your ongoing issues in relation to the PSC. Like it's not enough to know your liver is becoming useless!!

I was diagnosed 11 years ago, at the age of 30. Firstly, this disease is so individualized that you are likely to be unable to confirm your additional troubles anywhere aside from a place like this. There is just no rhyme or reason to PSC and it symptoms and maladies. Personally,I have not experienced these symptoms/side effects to the extreme you are, but I suffer from restless leg syndrome. I have found that increasing my daily potassium intake fights this off nicely - and what I do instead of supplements is a Vitamin Water that is high in it. I have begun getting weak and experiencing pain in my thighs, namely inner - but, my outer thighs are tormented by the itching, as is my abdomen. I haven't found anything to help me. As for the soles of your feet, it does sound like neuropathy, as your GP suggests. I am not sure how open you are to Eastern medicine, but I know many that have had a serious turn around with the help of massage and acupuncture to restore the normal sensations.

Do you see a specialist for your disease? If so, they may have some suggestions, as well.

Best of luck, and I hope you find some relief soon, Gary. Stay positive, and remember there's a reason we are all still here!!

Blessings and Light to You,


Hi, Gary! I am sorry to hear of your ongoing issues in relation to the PSC. Like it's not enough to know your liver is becoming useless!!

I was diagnosed 11 years ago, at the age of 30. Firstly, this disease is so individualized that you are likely to be unable to confirm your additional troubles anywhere aside from a place like this. There is just no rhyme or reason to PSC and it symptoms and maladies. Personally,I have not experienced these symptoms/side effects to the extreme you are, but I suffer from restless leg syndrome. I have found that increasing my daily potassium intake fights this off nicely - and what I do instead of supplements is a Vitamin Water that is high in it. I have begun getting weak and experiencing pain in my thighs, namely inner - but, my outer thighs are tormented by the itching, as is my abdomen. I haven't found anything to help me. As for the soles of your feet, it does sound like neuropathy, as your GP suggests. I am not sure how open you are to Eastern medicine, but I know many that have had a serious turn around with the help of massage and acupuncture to restore the normal sensations.

Do you see a specialist for your disease? If so, they may have some suggestions, as well.

Best of luck, and I hope you find some relief soon, Gary. Stay positive, and remember there's a reason we are all still here!!

Blessings and Light to You,


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