
Hi All,

I’ve recently had my first bout with hyponatremia (sodium as 121), which quickly resolved (134) and just as quickly came back (125). All within about 5 weeks. On fluid restriction and diuretic restrictions. Just curious if anyone else has been down this path and has any advice?



The lowest I remember my sodium level was 131. I remedied this by adding more salt to popcorn, other items. There were several times it was a notch or two below the normal level.

But I never had fluid or diuretic restrictions. To what degree has that helped since your post?

i had the same sodium level and I was put on strict fluid restriction which i stuck to. i kept a wee squirt bottle to at least moisen my mouth - but the dehydration was very unpleasant. i was on the downslide to transplant at that point, keep on your doctors and specialists radar during this because it could happen quickly and you need them to give to ‘psc points’ to up your meld score. also the forced dehydration, necessary also to minimize brutal ascites, eventually shut down my kidneys from dehydration and at that point it was nearly game over. engage the nutritionist to interface with your doctors on need to optimize the fluid restriction so that kidneys stay ok, and if you start with less and less frequent urinations - take more water wether a doctor says to or not. also mix water with mio or crystal light to maintain electrolites.

Hi rjm,

Thanks for sharing your experience. Agreed that the lack of fluid is unpleasant. At least Dr. said I could drink protein shakes. Have edema now and puritius. Fortunately the ascites has been minimal. Had more blood work today, and my dr wants me to see a kidney specialist just to make sure nothing is being missed.


On those protein shakes, I used to drink a lot of Ensure until I realized how much sugar they have.
I love Premier Protein-chocolate, mixed 50/50 with skim milk.

I hope you get good news from the kidney specialist.



Yes, Ensure does have a lot of sugar. I’ve been using ‘milk’ made from pea protein, then add a scoop of protein powder. Some times I’ll add Benecalorie which also has protein in it.

Trying to adjust to my new companion, edema. In that zone where I’m not sick enough for a transplant (though I have a live donor), but fatigued enough that its difficult to function at times.
