Saw a gastroenterologist in July who assumed my case because my gastro, a senior partner, retired. Both did not think I had ascites from physical exam alone. An ultrasound confirmed moderate ascites. New gastro called Director of Liver Transplant at transplant center and I am going in for a consult on Aug. 1. However, a parencentesis was scheduled and it could not be completed. No fluid c/b detected on an u/s after being on a low salt diet and diuretics since July 14. My weight went from 210 on July 11 to 182 today but my weight seems to be stabilizing. Questions: I am assuming that ascites marks the transition from compensated to decompensated status. Now what? No fluid, no analysis. Will a low salt diet and diuretics keep the ascites to a minimum?
Hi, Congratulations on the ascites going down naturally. My husband had a couple drains last year & it eventually stopped refilling as his body healed, it’s great your body processed it on it’s own instead of needing interventional treatment. They weren’t able to tell us why my husbands eventually stopped refilling really, he’s returned to drinking lots of water and has some natural food diuretics- the doctor didn’t seem to care so much as long as it was going away/no signs of pockets of fluid causing infection. We still aim for low salt but have had no re-occurrence in over 6 months. I hope this marks a good turning point away from ascites for you too.
As we have to handle the various symptoms when they arise, I am not sure any one symptom at any given time could be the dividing line between compensated and non-compensated. But then sometimes it can be gradual or like driving off a cliff.
I did not deal with ascites, so I will let others answer who can provide you with their experiences.
Low salt diet and diuretics will help. However, they wont fix the cause of ascites, so they may not always work. I’m not sure why they want parencetesis if you just have some ascites. This procedure itself carries quite a risk.