So I have only just joined this group but I already love the ideas being thrown around. I noticed this topic and that no one had posted anything so as a religious person myself I thought I would share one quick thought for those with an interest.
Sometimes those without a belief can find it very difficult to understand how religion can play a part. But believe you me, it is a lot more comforting than anything else the world has to offer. You just have to give it one shot and take five minutes of your life to read something and just think about it.
A very very comforting scripture is one I’ve held dear to my heart throughout all sorts of trials and tribulations:
Isaiah 41:10 Do not be afraid, for I am with you. Do not be anxious, for I am your God.I will fortify you, yes, I will help you,I will really hold on to you with my right hand of righteousness
God promises us he will look after us and be there for us. If he is holding onto your right hand it depicts him standing in front of you, really grasping your hand with his hand. He is standing face on looking at you and holding you - that envisions strength, a strong grip on you and not ready to let go. He will be there for you. All you have to do is ask for help. Close your eyes. And just speak. He wants you to pour out your heart to him like you would with a friend.
Please, even if you think this is a load of malarkey, I have honestly found that prayer can keep me calm when I am distressed. I promise you, just one honest heartfelt prayer, will give you a sense of calm. God promises it and he can never lie.
Thank you for your post today. All you have stated is true and I believe it with all my heart. If it were not for the Word of God, Prayer and the strength of God’s grace in my life through the trial of liver disease, I know I would not be here today. Thank you for your encouraging words.
We will be here for you to assist in any way we can with your PSC diagnosis and the days and years ahead. Please do not hesitate to ask any questions that come to mind as we all had a million of them right after diagnosis and no where to turn it seems for the answers. Education is very key in this disease and making sure your family and those close to you are educated as well goes a long way in getting the support you need.
Once again, thanks for your words today, and a very Merry Christmas to you and your family.
Hi jbird, Thank you for your beautiful thoughtful message of encouragement for not only our members suffering from PSC, but their families and friends as well. Everything is possible through prayer and Jesus Christ…Have a Merry Christmas and may the New Year be a happy and healthy one for everyone…Dave
Hi jbird! Nice to “meet” you! I also take comfort in the scriptures and in going to my Heavenly Father in prayer when things get a bit too much. He wraps His arms around me and I know I’m never alone. “God’s Got This”