I was fortunate to meet an interesting athlete two weeks ago. He was competing in an 8+ mile Spartan Race. He competed and completed the race using his hands to carry himself forward. He only does that because he has no legs since a childhood accident necessitated removing them both at the torso. At the finish line of the race, there is a line of fire about 4 feet wide, that is supposed to be jumped by “normal” competitors. Kacey went straight through it. I’ve seen some amazing things in my life, but I had never seen anything like this. I’m still processing it and the implications for us all
I hope that this might mean something to some of you. We may be very sick. We won’t always be successful in our battles. But, we can all fight to be the best version of ourselves. Don’t give up! riseupwithkacey.com
Thanks for sharing this man’s story Doug. What a determination he has had. We have nothing to complain of for sure. Reminds me of the story of the person who complained because they had no shoes, until they met a man who had no feet. What an inspiration this man has been to many.
You bet, Mark. I wouldn’t go so far as to say we don’t have anything to complain about. I can feel a little whiny at times, myself. lol Just have to whine a little and then get back to it. 
AWESOME! Thanks for sharing.
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You’re welcome! I’m glad it meant something to you too.
I’ve just joined the group and was looking through the site to become somewhat familiar with it…and I saw your post. Thank you, Doug! I’ve been feeling a little “beaten up” lately and this was just the boost I’ve been needing! You’re right. We just have to be the best versions of ourselves that we can be; one day at a time.
Hi Marian. I’m sorry that you needed to join this group, but since you are here…welcome! 
I’m happy that it meant something to you. That day was one of the most amazing of my life. It happened at a perfect time for me. I am grateful that I was able to recognize it and share it.
I’m very sorry that it is your turn in the barrel to take the hits. I was approved and listed for transplant this past week, so I know that I likely have some more beatings coming. It is amazing to me, but I am still feeling so grateful and happy! I hope that your journey can go as smoothly as mine has.
You hang in there. There are many friendly people here that are around to chat. Always feel free to reach out!

Thank you so much for your kind words! I’m very happy to have found this group.
I hate for you that you’ve progressed to the transplant stage, but I’m glad that you’ve been approved and listed. Hopefully all will go well with that!!! You’ll have to keep us all posted…and keep us smiling. 
Doug, congrats on the listing. That is a major steppingstone. But as dealing with psc requires a lot of patience, that is good training for being on the list.
It really wore at me knowing that while moving up the list would put me closer to a transplant, that my health would get worse on the way.
That was a major mind game, one of many, I dealt with.
Thanks Jeff. Yes, I am torn on the waiting too. Apparently I am number 4. 
All of a sudden it all feels much more real.
Doug, when I first got on the list, the doc said there were 150 people ahead of me. What he forgot to factor in was the blood type. Earlier this year, my coordinator and I were talking about blood types and she told me I was fifth. The was a dose of reality that stunned me; all my mental preparation had been on being 150th.
With you being fourth, I hope it comes soon for you.
Wishing you well as you wait for the most important call of your life! It will be a day you will always remember. I hope all goes great for you and you have a successful surgery and live a normal healthy life till you are 100!
Liver Transplant 7/23/2015 - 3 years!
We’ll see, Jeff. I sure appreciate the advice.
Thanks so much Mark. And happy re-birthday to you!