PSC and night sweats

Hi Everyone -

I have had UC for almost 20 years now and have had PSC since 2017 although they suspect longer. This year I have had 3 hospitalizations due to acute cholangitis. Are night sweats a sign that infection is coming back? This week I have had fever, chills, RUQ pain, increasing jaundice and very bad night sweats. These aren’t just “overheated in bed” kind like absolutely drenched in sweat multiple times a night and major trouble sleeping. If anyone had a similar experience please let me know. Thank you.

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What your experiencing is what Usually happens to me before/leading up to an infection. Tylenol may help you get through the night, but I would contact your doc asap and they should let you know whether to go to ER or not. Make sure to try to take your temp throughout the day and at night.


Hi, Cvarble. My husband would have the same night sweats, sometimes they would pass after a couple of days, other times we would go to the hospital if it did not pass, sometimes his doctor would allow him to take Cipro and then check-in. Most of the time it was an infection or blockage in his duct which was easily treated. Please contact your doctor, fill them in. Oh! And try drinking hot liquids throughout the day and eating lighter ‘clean’ meals too. I hope this phase passes quickly. Keep us in the loop! Be well,


Cvarble, I was on standing orders to get to the ER if my temp hit 101.5. Have you been taking your temp? Don’t know what type of doc you’re seeing, but I hope it is a hepatologist and not a GI. Let them know what is going on. They may recommend, at minimum, blood work.

One of the several times I had a cholangitis attack was when I first had chills. Chills are not a good sign.



I also have them. I have been admitted to hospital a number of times because of the fever. Sometimes the temperature goes up rapidly. Try to drink more water throughout the day and avoid heavy meals which promote denser bile. Fever is the body telling you that there’s a sign of blockage of the duct and slight infection. I read on here that drinking gatorade may help because of the electrolyte. If you get this very often there may be stricture(s) in your bile ducts. At least this is what happened to me. You may require stenting.


It sounds like we have similar pasts. I’ve had UC for near 30 years and was diagnosed with PSC in 2012. When I start having a Cholangitis attack, I’ll experience severe pain in the right side which pushes up under my rib cage and will at times extend up to my shoulder and neck. I’ll have extreme swears then chills just like you are describing. Typically when I call my
GI she states it’s either an infection or blockage of the Bile Ducts. Typically I’ll go in for blood tests when this happens. I’ve yet to be hospitalized for it, but the pain can be severe. Pain killers (other than Advil) have helped some as have antibiotics to knock down the infection.


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