Just curious if anyone has had low bilirubin (0.8) but really, really high LFT's (ALP 703, ALT 153, AST 178) maybe that is not high? It is a lot higher than normal people without PSC. GI said after the ERCP that the Intrahepatic ducts have collapsed so put the stint in the Common bile duct to drain. Which worked very well. Just curious if anyone has experienced this. I thought the bilirubin would go up when ducts collapse?
Super Chevy - You sound like my twin other than I haven't had any procedures to drain. My latest numbers were ALKP of 716, ALT of 153 and AST of 115. My Bilirubin is also 0.8 (was 0.5 three months ago) so still in a normal range.
Thanks, Stephen
This is interesting. My husband's bili always went up when his bile ducts were plugged-kind of how we knew he was having issues. Maybe it just hadn't spiked before things were taken care of?