High Ferritin levels


I’m wondering if anyone here has high Ferritin levels? Is this normal for PSC & UC ? Or just a me thing.
I’m getting a genetic test done tomorrow to check for Haemochromatosis.

Hi. I believe it is a personal thing. I was consistently low in ferritin prior to my PSC diagnosis and it still persists to this day.

Hey! My husband had genetic hemochromatosis with Psc. This was a double whammy on his liver…. So not sure correlation but be careful with your iron and keep those organs healthy.

Welcome back!

My hemocrit and hemoglobin dropped significantly below normal, so I had anemia, but did not have my iron tested. Probably should have.

My ferritin levels have been high as well, ever since this whole PSC was noticed. And it’s rising. Don’t really know what this means. So if it’s a “You” thing, it’s a "You & I " thing?

I would definitely recommend you see a hematologist when you can. You really need those ferritin levels monitored. You don’t need another disease on top of PSC if you can help it. Let us know what you find out.


Could I have some of your iron levels. I could sure use some.