For everyone with Crohn's check this out! Huge news!

All my problems started with a horrible food poisoning! Doctors would not believe me and now after PSC and a transplant voila!

This also gives credibility to the micro organisms getting backed up into the liver via the bile duct and obstructions.

What a game changer!

I really hope it helps all of you so that you can can be treated and cured before too much damage is done to the liver. It is too late for me… As I am post transplant but I am so optimistic now for all of you!!!

Thank you for posting this, Ruby. I hope this breakthrough will lead to advances in Crohn's treatment soon.

Interesting. My PSC was first detected during routine quarterly cholesterol blood work one month after I had sick-all-night food poisoning after eating out at a restaurant during a dive trip to Mexico. The coincidence always seemed suspicious to me but the docs could never find any link.

Here is some background to this line of investigation…

Media have also been following this and I have been monitoring developments in the press.

What I look for is clinical studies where people (the more the merrier) are tested, or treated and compared to others in a control group and findings reviewed by other experts. Second to this is really promising in-vitro or other pre-clinical studies that are promising and have consistency. The PBA issue in plastics was found in an in-vitro study on cancer sells in plastic vs. glass dishes…

A huge frustration for me is the evidence that probiotics can have a positive effect yet several studies show that even expensive ones have no quality control. I was on several antibiotics in hospital and got approval to take probiotics. I developed a fever the next day. The fever stopped when we got rid of the probiotics. Now I know that many brands are contaminated with non beneficial bacteria and there is no quality assurance with the number or even if the little bugs are alive… The last article speaks to this.

These are a few articles… Hope this helps.

Latest Study……

Bacteria tied to Crohn’s…

Study of good bacteria…

Genetic link…

Quality control of probiotics

Wow...If we can't trust even the expensive probiotics what do we do? Thanks for posting the sites above!

This is all very interesting stuff.. and some very detailed research Ruby! Thank you for posting. I hope this new discovery paves the way for better treatment, and eventually a cure, for diseases such as Crohn's. Speaking as a UC sufferer, I know I'd like to keep my colon for as long as possible, if not forever, so the more treatment's there are the better! :-)