
Has anyone tried the Gerson Therapy to address UC and PSC?

This appears to be a highly commercial program, and almost a pyramid scheme, consisting of getting people to pay fees and take paid courses to become Gerson practitioners. Looks dubious to me.

My wife did the Gerson thing for a few months. It didn't seem to affect her labs much but did clear up the asthma and UC. It also increased her energy. It's a very tough diet and almost impossible to stay on. Since then she has been seeing Dr Berkson in Las Cruces NM. He has an alpha lipoic acid, sylmarin, & LDN protocol that his PSC patients have responded very well to. Still to early to tell if there will be any long term improvement. Labs in one month.

Keep us posted, Barry. Does Dr. Berkson plan on conducting clinical trials for this protocol?

I rather doubt it. He has been doing this since the late 70's. I'll keep you posted on how things are going.