Cancer discovery

I have had success with colon and gall bladder remove PSC and liver holding their own. But Stage 2 cancer discovered with gall bladder removal and ther is some fear of perineural invasion although nothing got outside of the gall bladder walls or to the liver. Going to meet with Oncology soon. Anyone have any similar happenings? Rod

I did met with Oncoclgy. Chemo was set up and I had one treatment of 8 regimens of 2 treatments per regimen. The evening after my first treatment, I had serious medical occurrences happen which they cal anly trace back to the chemo. The symptoms were mostly stroke like but 2 brain scans showed nothing. The next morning

I returned to normal behavior. to the surprise of all. cutting to the chase we decided not to pursue chemo any more and if recurrence came about, hi % it will, we relook at chemo surgery and radiation. We believed in the findings of the may docs and my local Okl. City oncologists concur. I am going day by day. Rod Where did "Big Steel" come from? Rod

Stephen good to hear from you. I just returned from Mayo last week and there are no evident signs of cancer relapse or new signs. It has only been three months but still feels good. There is some growth in size of some lymph nodes and discovery of 4 nodules in the lung area but oncology is not concerned. We will check again in 3 months. I have some nausea sometime-how about you? PSC and liver cirrhosis may be evolving but lab and scans still show all good. I have begun to walk and do weights every other day which I hope to keep up. How are you doing? Rod

Hello, Rod.

My comment deleted... I'll try again. Your post never popped up for me. This is the first time seeing it.

I'm sorry you had to go through that experience. It must have been hard, to say the least. Your strength in pulling through that trial is encouraging. I was glad to see your improvement and pray you get stronger each day. Know someone is thinking of you, hoping you remain cancer free and in good spirit. Take care.


THx Gloria for the encouragement!! The cancer has put there PSC and liver cirrhosis on the back burner although PSC has a direct link to increase recurrence odds with gall bladder cancer. But I will take each day and keep the group updated. Best to you also! Rod