Bile duct cancer. It's a scary reality, so please get checked annually

Is the only checking method for bile duct cancer the ERCP? or a PET Scan. ERCP's are very difficult now for me since my liver resection 2.5 years ago. Appreciate your thoughts and knowledge.


Anybody have elevated ca 19-9 in association with bile duct cancer? I have read mixed reviews for using that as a diagnostic test for cancer as it can rise due to a cholangitis.

Mine has been elevated too. Maybe it has to be very high before considered worrisome.

MRCP, ERCP, PET SCAN… please give full name of procedures and what they are done for? Thanks

I’ve had all kinds of blood work done but have not been told what any of it is. I will be sure to ask more questions. You know when you are told you have a disease and nothing can be done. You automatically assume nothing can be done.

Sissy said:

I've had all kinds of blood work done but have not been told what any of it is. I will be sure to ask more questions. You know when you are told you have a disease and nothing can be done. You automatically assume nothing can be done.