
Is anyone dealing with anemia at this time? A month ago we began iron infusions once a week, hemoglobin came up to ten, doctor would like to see him at twelve so its on to three more treatments with a bit of n increase in the dose as well. Any experience to share?????

I was experiencing some hair loss, and shortness of breath and had my iron checked and it turned out that my ferritin was extremely low,so I’ve been taking iron supplements and it has helped. I believe I read somewhere that vitamin E deficiency can contribute to anemia. Hope this helps!

Kam said:

I was experiencing some hair loss, and shortness of breath and had my iron checked and it turned out that my ferritin was extremely low,so I've been taking iron supplements and it has helped. I believe I read somewhere that vitamin E deficiency can contribute to anemia. Hope this helps!

Thanks for your comment, dr. said since my husband has had his colon removed, the supplement taken orally would not be properly absorbed (iron) but we will add the vitamin E

My daughter Lakota had a Ferinject Infusion a couple of weeks ago due to anemia after it was discovered that she had UC. I'm not sure what's in store for the future. We've yet to be advised.......Toni

The antibiotic, vancomycin, has did wonders for my daughter who has UC and PSC. Her blood readings has improved 500%. See this article.