Weight loss

When I was first diagnosed with this disease I had dropped from 13 stone 4lbs down to 12 stone 6lbs. I took bad with the weight loss but was told I was still my ideal weight. Mid Jan 2015 Iwas hit with a flu bug and it knocked me for six. I lost 8 lbs in a week. I am now feeling much better but the weight has not returned. I wonder if anyone has ideas about weight gain. I started back at the gym doing resistance training hoping this would help but have not been back since Iam now just feeling backto myself. I have read on other discussions that a lack of processed protein can cause fatigue. I wondr if this is also why I have lost some muscle mass sice diagnosis. Any input would be very welcome .

I struggle with weight loss continually. I drink Boost when it starts getting really bad. I had to ask my doctor what kinds of things to eat/drink and had to actually meet with a nutritionist. Boost, Ensure, protein bars... peanut butter is great for weight gain... One note, when picking out protein drinks, I have to federally be careful to steer clear of anything that is made for bodybuilding or working out (like Muscle Milk) because apparently they can have catastrophic effects on the digestive system. Or mine, anyway. :P

Anna said:


My transplant occurred 4 years ago and I have been drinking a protein shake for over 3 years. It comes from a company named Visalus and it's used mainly for weight loss but unlike many products, it actually builds muscle rather than sacrificing it. I'm actually a Promoter for Visalus for over 2 years. My doctors at Northwestern approved my use of the shake. Because transplant patients tend to gain weight, I use it to maintain my weight which I have been able to do. It's also full of nutrition. I'll be happy to provide more information.

All the best,


I struggle with weight loss continually. I drink Boost when it starts getting really bad. I had to ask my doctor what kinds of things to eat/drink and had to actually meet with a nutritionist. Boost, Ensure, protein bars... peanut butter is great for weight gain... One note, when picking out protein drinks, I have to federally be careful to steer clear of anything that is made for bodybuilding or working out (like Muscle Milk) because apparently they can have catastrophic effects on the digestive system. Or mine, anyway. :P

Do you have Ulcerative Colitis as well?
My so suffered a drastic weight loss.
He was at 215 lbs & dropped to 187.
It took a long time to gain the weight
Back. He liked Muscle Milk &
I would make smoothies with protein
Powder & lactose free ice cream. They
He weighs 234 now. I get nervous when
He gains weight without an increase
In appetite. The Nutitionists & tips
I read on hear have been my saving grace.
Wishing you well,

I have always struggled to put on weight and I still do. I am 5'8 119lbs ,which is well below where it should be; but every year I work to get back to 130lbs and every year I get a cold or some sort of illness (last year it was pneumonia) that knocks me back down. Does the Muscle Milk have lactose or processed sugar like HFCS? My doctor has advised me to not have any artificial sweeteners. Also, my husband and I are pretty sure that I have recently become lactose intolerant. So I would love some ideas for putting on weight as well. Thanks and hope you all have a great Valentine's Day weekend. :)

Calories in need to be greater than calories out so it comes down to eating more but there are a number of factors to consider:

If you have cirrhosis you need to moderate protein intake. Too much protein is very dangerous as the liver slows down its ability to process protein.

As PSC progresses and bile flow slows, your body will lose the ability to absorb fat. This is a big deal. Fat is over twice as calorie rich as carbs or proteins and if your body isn't processing these fats, you aren't getting the calories. It is also a big deal because if you aren't absorbing fats, you aren't absorbing fat soluble vitamins (ADEK). Thankfully, while the above applies to most fats (long-chain), it does not apply to all fats (medium and short chain) that do not require liver bile to be absorbed. The best way to take advantage of this is through supplements, either MCT (100% medium chain) or coconut oil (~60% medium chain). A tablespoon of MCT with a meal provides a jolt of calories and the ability to absorb fat soluble vitamins.

Coconut milk and oil also have the medium chain fatty acids. I use it like butter and I have been able to gain 20+ lb. I also take Immodium 4 mg before each meal to slow the bowels down. Pancreatic enzymes before meals has also helped a lot.

Keep fighting!


Thanks everyone for the input. Brian I will read up on Visalus. My wife has already pushed me towards coconut water but not milk or oil. I appreciate all the replys. It is difficult as I used to do bodybuilding and knew what to take but when you have your liver to consider it's a whole new ball game....Cheers Gers man

I suspected that I had lost some weight, and my wife confirmed it last week when she asked me if I had. She thought my face looked a bit thinner.

My school ring now flops over with no resistance.

My last physical was last March, so I am going to try and get another one this March so we can see what the blood levels look like.

This seems to be more a symptom of fatigue and not wanting to fix a normal sized meal when I get home during the week.

