Vancomycin - Petition to AASLD to Continue Insurance Coverage for PSC Patients

We were made aware by one of our patient members that the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases (AASLD) is preparing to publish Guidance that would make it significantly harder for PSC patients to get oral vancomycin covered by insurance. Their guidance is used by insurance companies to determine what protocols are or are not acceptable. The proposed Guidance will recommend using oral vancomycin only in a clinical trial setting.

This means that the insurer and provider community will now be able to start denying oral vancomycin as being an acceptable treatment for PSC outside of a clinical trial – citing this Guidance.

A petition has been started that will be sent to the AASLD asking them to reconsider this guidance. If you are interested in participating in this petition please go to this link for more information. This of course is completely voluntary and we are providing it with the limited information we have at this time on this matter.

PSC 2011 / Liver Transplant 2015


Thank you for posting this, Mark!

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Terrible news! It sounds like the US is going the same route as Europe on vanco… :frowning:

Thanks for posting Mark!