Small-duct PSC or PSC/AIH

Hello, just wondering if anyone here have small-duct PSC with autoimmune hepatitis? My husband was diagnosed last week with this. He was also diagnosed 41/2 years ago with ulcerative colitis (he takes Asacol for that). Currently, he doesn't have any major symptoms from the small-duct PSC/AIH, just some itchiness, and abnormal liver enzymes. The doctor prescribed him low dosage of ursodeoxycholic, but he doesn't want to take it b/c of the recent scientific reports concluding that this medication doesn't show any improvement of PSC. We have an appointment with his hepatologist next week to discuss question about his diagnosis . At this point we are making some changes in our diet and seeking alternative medicine.


I was diagnosed with PSC/Autoimmune Hep and Ulcerative Colitis in 2007, received a liver transplant in 2010 due to my bile duct shrinking and closing up, resulting in liver failure. Medications that were prescribed to me were Prednisone and a medication similar to Prograf (Tacrolimus). It's an Anti-Rejection medication, but also lowers the immune system so it doesn't attack the liver and bile duct as bad.

I will say, after a certain point, medications no longer work and a transplant is the only fix at that point.

Stephen and Chris, thank you so much for sharing and for your helpful information.

Stephen, his vitamin K is normal. I will ask the doc about the other vitamins and DXA sca

Chris, how are you doing after your liver transplant?