
Hi, I haven’t posted in awhile, I was diagnosed with psc about 30 years ago.
I have been doing well for the most part and was put on the transplant list. My Meld score is at 26 which is the highest it has ever been. Well I have 2 questions, 1 is about pets, post transplant does anybody know how long I should not be around them. And also diet, I have read there are things you should avoid is this long term?
Of course I have other questions concerns, worries
Thanks for your help

Thanks for your post. I hope you will get your transplant soon. It will make such a great difference in your health moving forward. Regarding pets, I know for me they told me to inside pets, especially cats. The litterbox contents can be bad for your immune suppression. You need to ask specifically to your transplant team. I know that once I was accidently scratched by an excited dog of my nephews and it took a while for that area to heal up. We also have to be careful working in the garden and especially around things like roses where you may get pricked. Again, your transplant team will have a full list of do’s and don’ts to be aware of.
As far as diet, there are certain fruits like grapefruit that will affect your immune suppression medication and a few other foods. Otherwise, I eat anything I wish. You do need to be careful early on right after transplant and not eat at public buffet’s as you may pick up germs from others who have handled the utensils. I’m 8 years out now and just try to be careful of these things. I rarely shake hands anymore and I rarely get a cold anymore either. You will do just fine as long as you follow the instructions your transplant team give you posttransplant. The very best to you.

PSC 2011 / Transplant 2015


Thanks so much for your response it is greatly appreciated and very helpful. I do enjoy working in the garden so will be more careful. 8 years out wow congrats!

I think as long as you use care you will be fine. Even handling soil with your bare hands is not encouraged. One thing you don’t want to do is to let your transplant and living make you feel trapped and not able to do anything. That’s not the case. You just need to take on a higher level of common-sense approaches to decisions in daily life. One of my most difficult things was not shaking hands with people anymore especially at church. But once everyone found out my need they were very understanding. I just give a fist bump or put my hand past their hand and shake their coat or sleeve. And when I do have contact with others, I just use hand sanitizer before touching my face. It’s not always the person you are in contact with that gets you sick but the people they were in contact with that they might share their germs inadvertently with you. You’ll be fine.


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I guess hugs are out, I’m :hugs:hugger. Thanks for the advice. I’ pretty good about keeping germ free, but extra advice doesn’t hurt

It’s fine to hug Cathroy, just watch the skin contact mainly hands that I’ve discovered for me.


Yay! :blush:

I was told by the Liver transplant team at UVA medical that pets are fine except for birds. They are dead set against birds being in the home for someone that’s had a transplant. Hope that helps.

Hi Cathroy, I am 18 years post transplant and was diagnosed with PSC 15 years prior. I was a nursing home administrator and I asked my hepatologist if I should find a new career. He told me that his patients that do the best, return to their normal lives. He said there is no reason to leave healthcare. We had three small children and decided to get a pet dog for them about 15 months after my transplant. About 7 months after surgery we resumed family vacations and travels. So my doctor gave me the best advice and I lived by it and thrived. I have set up my meds in a weekly pill box the entire time so I always recommend that and just remember to wash your hands and use hand sanitizer regularly. After a few months of recovery, I went back to shaking hands and hugging.

Welcome back!

I was told to not scoop or clean the litter box. That is now my wife’s job. But I have had no trouble at all being around our cats or even a stray cat some of us care for at work.

As far as diet pre-tx, I was doing more grazing throughout the day instead of having three square meals a day. My appetite was horrible. Keep eating a lot of protein. Sargento has a cheese and nut snack that has several combinations- those make a wonderful snack. Post tx, I was told to not have anything to do with grapefruit or pomegranates, have food cooked to order-minimal buffets, meat should be at least medium well and no raw seafood. With everything else, I am able to eat what I want; my portions are just smaller.


Thanks so much, I have a dog and guinea pig. So just curious about how long I would need to distance myself. I know I will have to ask my doctor.
I worked in the Veterinary business for 40 years. I retired in January. I was planning on traveling some with my husband, then placed back on the list. I appreciate all the advice.

I just noticed your last post went unanswered. I think the biggest concern is with animals whose waste you have to have contact with like litter boxes etc. Use extra care by wearing gloves. With being on immune suppression you don’t need any bad bacteria getting in you. I hope this helps.

Merry Christmas
