I greet you all from the Czech Republic. I’m glad I found your site about important information.
my daughter (5 years old) was diagnosed with IBD / PSC with the possibility of AIH overlap last month.
It was a shock to me and I completely collapsed.
it all started at the beginning of the summer when she was hospitalized with the EBV virus. GMT and ALP still did not decrease and so a colonoscopy was performed, where very small signs of inflammation were confirmed. Liver biopsy confirmed PSC, but no liver involvement.
The daughter is taking Prednisone, azatrophin and udca. now, after a month, her blood is perfectly fine. everything is normal, so i hope it’s a good sign for the future. I will be very happy if you write me information about your children. thanks T
I read about everything that can be found on the Internet about PSC. Children PSC seems to be running slower, right? I’m glad to hear from you about Vanco. I bought VSL 3 and Silymarin. I will try to follow healthy foods, it seems very important.
There are many promising studies and new directions for treatment.
It’s probably a problem to get Vanco in Europe, but I asked our doctor and I think if I asked very much, we would get a prescription for vanco. But Europe’s attitude to antibiotics is very bad. Long-term use seems unimaginable for many doctors.
Are there any parents of children from Europe? What is your experience with treatment?
Thanks for finding us and we hope the info you find here can help you and your daughter.
While I can help about direct info regarding PSC and a child, there are a lot of members here who have sons or daughters with PSC, plus a sizable contingent on your side of the pond.
Folks, can you help Tomavera by sharing your experiences with your son or daughter?
Might help to post in the General section, as it seems to get more traffic.