Well hey… liked reading that!
One step at a time doll - you’ll get there and you are right. You’ve a Lot of years ahead of you and who knows what’s to come so we best keep getting back on this horse of life and ride into that Sunset to come.
I had some bad IBS in 2015 and 2016 so I do understand. I also very well understand being overwhelmed and not just by possible PSC diagnosis. As Mark mentioned it sounds like early stage PSC possibly for you based on blood work. Focus on that as even if positive per MRCP, early stage is good and our options for being a part of trials or otherwise expands. I’m working on with Mayo MN now. Not sure I’ll make it as my liver enzymes keep improving. BUT going to get my foot in that door.
Keep me/us posted lady, I meant it, here for you to read, respond, listen.
You too have a wonderful day sweetie - sun shining here with some big puffy clouds. Out to yard now and then that bbq tonight. A good day. And even better now that I’ve connected with you!