Hello, my name is Amar Kalidas. I am very excited to be a Bens Friends intern. I have always enjoyed helping others and I was ecstatic when I found out about this opportunity. I was amazed at how Bens Friends brings so many people together and I found that very special. I am a sophomore at Texas Tech University but I am originally from Plano, Texas. I live with my mom, dad, and my little brother who is 2 years younger than me. I have lived in Plano my entire life but my mom is from Zambia and my dad is from Zimbabwe. My great great grandparents are originally from Gujarat which is a state in North India. I have not been able to visit India yet but I went to South Africa two years ago and it was a memorable experience. It was amazing to surround myself with a completely different culture and see how other people live their lives across the world. I like to involve myself in a lot of different activities but I think my biggest hobby/interest has got to be basketball. I have been watching and playing basketball for over 10 years now and I love every aspect of the game. It has taught me so many things over the years. It showed me how to push myself to strengthen my weaknesses and how to properly collaborate with others. I also love watching the sport and I am a diehard fan of the Dallas Mavericks.
Welcome Amar. We are glad to have you intern in this Ben’s Friends group. If you have any questions along the way feel free to chime in. We trust that this experience will give you a greater understanding of some of the deep physical trials folks go through who have rare diseases that will give you compassion for others suffering such afflictions. Concern for others will be a big plus in your life as your grow older as you live in a world that only thinks of itself and how one can succeed in life. Again a very warm welcome.
Hi, Amar. Got a cousin that lives in Plano. Small world.
Glad you’re here.
Ben’s Friends is piloting a new Intern program, something that we’ve never done before, and we’re delighted that Amar has joined this very interesting community. The Internship program is intended to help students who hope to have a future in the medical field gain an understanding of what life is like for patients with rare diseases and conditions, while helping them gain skills in communication and relating to others.
Amar’s job, initially anyway, will be to welcome new members to the community, and to reach out to them if they need some help getting used to how the site works.
Be sure to let us know if you have any comments or questions about our new Internship program, and do give Amar a wave and a welcome!
Seenie and Meli from Moderator Support