Ascites is something I never had to deal with. I guess with all the symptoms that psc can throw at us, we get some and others never appear.

I hope your mom’s docs get her on the mend soon.

Thank you so much Mark and Jeff for support! Ascites is new for my mother, since hospitalization on 8/08/19, as she was on 5 different antibiotics with infection in lymph node. She never had ascites before.

Update on my mother as of today 11/11/19
My mother had a paracentesis procedure yesterday at 2 pm. 3.2 liters were drained and the doctor stopped it, even though it was still dropping a little. After the procedure my mother did not move, and she fell asleep soon afterwards. Right after the procedure she felt a little discomfort and then at 2 am she started having pain again about range 4 from 0-10. When her belly was palpated, the pain did not increase significantly. Her pain is a dull aching pain. It feels to her like her spleen is bursting.
My mother has never had any pain in her spleen in her life before. The first time she had this kind of pain when she was administered Neupogen, and the pain was always a bursting feeling, as if her spleen was blowing up. And now she always has pain after paracentesis procedures. On her first procedure on 9/18/19, 5.5 liters were drained. Her pain was about 4 and then after 3 days it went away. After her second paracentesis on 10/30, when 6.5 liters were drained, her spleen pain was very bad and sharp. Later that night, a few hours after the procedure, her pain spiked to a 10. She screamed in pain and she developed a fever of 40C. The spleen pain after yesterday’s paracentesis on 11/7, when 3.2 liters were drained, felt the same so far like after the first time.
I expect additional paracentesis procedures may be necessary, and so I am very concerned about further serious complications. I am especially concerned because the reason for my mother’s pain cannot be explained, even after 3 CT scans.