Joining armed services with UC and PSC

Hi I’m an 18 year old female who is very interested in joining the National guard and serving my country and I am curious if anyone here has done this and passed the physical both of my diseases are very mild and i understand that youre not allowed to take medications into 10 week basic training. If anyone has any information or if yourself has been through this let me know!! :slight_smile:

Hi Emmaliliana,

Not in the US, so don’t take this as directly applicable to your situation, but I was medically discharged from the Australian Army because I was diagnosed with UC. At the time I was very fit, fully competent an d capable and the UC had not effected my service in any way, but the Army determined that it was too great a risk for me/them if I was deployed operationally and needed specialist care.

If you have been diagnosed with UC and PSC, you would be required to declare it during pre entrance medical assessments and I would be very surprised if they would accept you with these pre existing conditions.

Would be happy to be off track here. Wish you all the best.


I work for company that manages prescription drug coverage for america’s department of defense – you need to check with your recruiter, I just spoke an active duty solider deployed in overseas with Chron’s – that chronic condition hasn’t impacted his service yet.

I don’t know all the details but you might be okay. And I would double check being allowed to take meds to basic.


I admire you for wanting to serve, but there are a ton of unknowns there-future deployments, your health… Please make the right decision for yourself.

Hello Emmaliliana,
I was undiagnosed when I entered the USMC with elevated LFT’s. I left the Marine Corps 4 years later but very sick and still undiagnosed. I am grateful for my service and for later being service connected for PSC, Chrons, and Sarcoidosis (Pulmonary and Liver). I know that my service worsened my conditions due to stress and the diet in the chow hall did not lend itself to low inflammation.
Life is wonderful but our circumstances can be unfortunate. Their is no shame in perusing your dream. All they can say is “no”. Just realize that your health is at risk in every choice you make. What ever you do, do it with all your heart!

I joined in 2007. Found out I had PSC in 2011. I was diagnosed after I enlisted, so they based it on whether or not I could still do my job…but I believe for new recruits I would probably have been denied.