FDA/AASLD PSC workshop: live stream March 3 & 4

Dear all,

Are you aware of the AASLD/FDA livestream on March 3 & 4, 2016 of the workshop on Trial Design and Endpoints for Clinical Trials in Adults and Children with Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis?

Livestream participants can submit questions during the event. You can make an impact. the Live stream is FREE.

Kind regards



Thank you Ted, looks like the link wasn't copied in my post.

Thanks for this, Sparkles! I've featured this discussion.

Lots of interesting topics related to clinical trial designs, lessons learned and seems that also initial results of one trial are published:
Baseline Data From the Simtuzumab Trial in PSC

If anybody is following this live, quick summaries appreciated.

Do you know if a transcript will be available? I will be at the hospital all day with my daughter meeting a transplant team so I can not listen to it.

We have done a huge European PSC Patients survey preparing for this. ( I wasn't sure if I was allowed to share the link)
I hope to be present during the meeting.

Not sure about the transcript or if they are hainvg sessionAVAILABLE LATER. lET ME CHECK

Any updates e.g. Simtuzumab trial results?

Links to other sites welcome too


Please see my twitter with the screenshot of the conclusion (Baseline data from the Simtuzumab trial) (not sure if I can post the twitter account)

Also, I understand there will be more information at the EASl ILC (Intern Liver Congress) in Barcelona next month.
I hope to be there and I hope to give you some feedback. I trust others on this forum have info too.

And how can one find Your twitter account?

Sparkles said:


Please see my twitter with the screenshot of the conclusion (Baseline data from the Simtuzumab trial) (not sure if I can post the twitter account)

Also, I understand there will be more information at the EASl ILC (Intern Liver Congress) in Barcelona next month.
I hope to be there and I hope to give you some feedback. I trust others on this forum have info too.

Recordings of the livestream are now available and can be found here: http://liverlearning.aasld.org/aasld/#!*menu=16*browseby=2*sortby=1*media=6*label=9793