Diet for a 5 year old

My little boy has UC and PSC. He’s 5. I asked his pediatrician, his GI, eye doctor and basically every doctor we go to if he needs to be on a special diet, all of them say no. Just avoid eating too much junk food, which he doesn’t eat, just pizza once every like two weeks. Do you guys agree? Is there a food that I should avoid or should make him eat?

Caroline aka Gustavo’s Mom

I’ll probably buy that book for future references. Little munchkin doesn’t have much symptoms besides the blood in the stools once in a while. Besides that he never ever ever complains of anything. No pain, no itching, no nausea, no nothing. It’s like he doesn’t have any disease.

Have you looked into vancomycin for children with PSC? Small study out of Stanford but very good results. My daughter has been on it for 15 months with excellent results.

PSC Mommy said:

I'll probably buy that book for future references. Little munchkin doesn't have much symptoms besides the blood in the stools once in a while. Besides that he never ever ever complains of anything. No pain, no itching, no nausea, no nothing. It's like he doesn't have any disease.

Hey Mese,

My son responds well to his currently treatment. He’s on 6mp, ursodiol and Allopurinol. He’s on prednisolone but we’re decreasing the dosage, he had an infection three weeks ago and was bleeding a lot. He was very anemic, and is currently taking Nova Ferrum Iron Supplement, as soon as his levels are up and he has an iron storage he’s getting a liver biopsy, probably in July. But I’ll mention that medicine next time I visit the GI. Thanks

Mese said:

Have you looked into vancomycin for children with PSC? Small study out of Stanford but very good results. My daughter has been on it for 15 months with excellent results.

PSC Mommy said:

I’ll probably buy that book for future references. Little munchkin doesn’t have much symptoms besides the blood in the stools once in a while. Besides that he never ever ever complains of anything. No pain, no itching, no nausea, no nothing. It’s like he doesn’t have any disease.