Contemplating IV glutathione

Hi everyone,
We’re new to the forum and very glad to have found this community. My daughter has small-duct PSC. Her fibroscan score is 9.4 with ALT/AST hovering around 250/100 for the last six years. We have read that increasing the body’s glutathione can help reverse the damage done to the liver. There is a success story cited on this forum and books published by Burt Berkson citing the benefits of glutathione.
We were wondering if anyone has had any experience with IV glutathione as we are thinking of trying it ourselves.


oooo super interested in this. I have no idea about it and this is the first I’ve heard of it. But will be paying attention to this thread. Let me know if you learn anything.

How do you even get access to it? Prescription?

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The following link from this forum is our reference.

It seems with IV glutathione liver damage is reversed from stage 3 to stage 1-2.
We are also exploring and if we see promising feedback from other forum members then we would like to try it.

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