Clinical Trial for reduction of Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP)

Participating in clinical studies is critical to understanding PSC and to developing effective treatments. The opportunities for PSC patients to participate in studies has increased significantly in the last decade and hopefully will continue to increase as we make progress towards improving the lives of PSC patients.

We have been presented with an opportunity for our Members to participate in a Phase 2 study for an oral medication to effect change of alkaline phosphatase (ALP). This study is attractive to patients in that there are no invasive procedures, and every patient is guaranteed to receive active treatment for at least a portion of the trial. The investigative drug is a salt that combines UDCA (also known as ursodeoxycholic acid or ursodiol) with berberine—there is much information regarding the safety of these two active ingredients. You can read the details here.

For more information and enrollment contact HighTide directly

@ so that they can assist with facilitating

communication with the right person at the nearest investigator site. They plan to conclude enrollment in March, so there is reason for interested patients to take action soon.

For more information about High Tide Therapeutics go to


I have been trying to participate in this trial but my bilirubin has been too high. I’m hoping it will come down before the end of March when selection closes.