A Possible Symptom?

Hello Everyone, my grandmother is afflicted with PSC and her conditions have recently worsened. Along with this worsening, she has also developed intense heat concentrated on discolored parts of her skin. I am writing this to ask all of you if you have ever experienced this in relation to your disorder. In the case that you have, please let me know (if it was diagnosed) what it was and how it was treated. Thank you.

Other autoimmune disorders pop up when you have PSC. It's possible that these symptoms you describe are another autoimmune disorder, possibly a skin condition. I have added lichen planus to PSC and it causes extreme itchiness and a distinct rash that is unrelated to PSC. I originally showed it to my hepatologist but she didn't know what it was and referred me to my internist. His PA with dermatology training recognized it right away and prescribed the right treatment. There are other more serious autoimmune disorders that show up alongside PSC. Your grandmother should probably consult her hepatologist first to see if it is a PSC symptom. Just my thoughts and experience.

Thanks, I will keep that in mind.

My girlfriend had these "patches" on her skin. She found out she had a staph infection.