Poor liver health and the brain

Hello, I’m wondering If anyone can tell me their experience with high levels of bilirubin and how it effected their mental health. I’ve searched online and hepatic encephalopathy is all that comes up. I took a year off college because of overwhelming fatigue and stress from all my medical problems and I would just like to know If I’m the only person who feels a lot “slower” mentally during all of this, or if it just that I took time off from school, thanks a lot and good luck to all of you.

Hello, Eric.

I notice the 'duh' moments in my fiance quite often... I'm sure every woman can say that about their man at some point, but in all seriousness I do see him forgetting a lot of small details, then thinking back I remember him being drained or quite that day. Sometimes when I say, "Don't you remember?" he will look at me with sad puppy eyes. I have read here and there about hepatic encephalopathy. I would like to think that I'd recognize major changes in my fiance so I detached myself from the overload of frightening information out there. I would say look for the major signs (should you have any) that could signal hepatic encephalopathy. We discussed the constant fatigue and stress with our Hepa doctor - sadly, it's normal for PSCers. A lot of members can speak to you on the never ending battle for more energy. On a positive note, we did make a few tweaks to our diet which we found beneficial. My advice/input would be for you to take a look at all aspects of your day, the sleep habits, food consumption, daily routines, etc. Find changes you can make, if any, to assist in calming the levels of stress and naturally energizing yourself. Then, see if you are still as drained. If so, take it to your doctor. Best of luck in staying awake to read this long response to your post. ;) J/K Enjoy your day.
